The highest decolorization value was obtained in case of methyl orange and trypan blue, almost no decolorization Nutlin-3 mouse was detected in case of ramazol yellow. Formation of GNPs was confirmed by the formation of violet color after 90 min at room temperature that gave a significant peak at 550 nm. Size distribution of the formed GNPs using DLS and TEM imaging of GNPs showed highly mono dispersed GNPs with size range of 22–39 nm. The FTIR spectrum of laccase before and after formation of GNPs (Fig.
9 and Fig. 10), showed the change in the corresponding peaks of functional groups before and after formation of GNPs, expressing change in intensity of the major peak at 3016 cm−1 that corresponds to OH and/or NH functional groups and the peak of 1631 cm−1 corresponds to carbonyl group, both could be ascribed to secondary amide structure. Incubation of laccase enzyme in the presence of HAuCl4 at different temperatures showed that as temperature increased, absorbance increased which indicated higher concentration of formed GNPs. Testing the effect of gamma radiation on the production of GNPs showed that increasing the dose of radiation increased the production of GNPs; maximum GNPs production was noticed at 5 kGy. No color was detected in blank sample (radiation before mixing with HAuCl4). In case of effect of different concentrations
of HAuCl4 on GNPs synthesis, the best volume of HAuCl4 was 0.3 ml as it gave Resminostat the highest concentration of GNPs; further increase in gold volumes caused decrease BLZ945 ic50 in GNPs concentration The most efficient lignolytic fungi are the basidiomycetes. They could be either white or brown-rot fungi, both of which are taxonomically so close to each other that they sometimes appear in the same genus. Almost all species of white-rot fungi were reported to produce laccase to varying degree [21]. After screening seven fungal strains, Pleurotus ostreatus (a well-known white-rot fungus) was chosen due to its relatively high laccase activity compared
to other laccase producing fungi. Pleurotus ostreatus is a common edible mushroom also known as Oyster mushroom. It was first cultivated in Germany as a subsistence measure during the World War I [22]. It is now grown commercially around the world for food. Increasing the production of lignolytic enzymes may be achieved by modifying the source of carbon and nitrogen in the medium. Since the high cost of the enzyme is a major limitation in using laccase in an industrial scale; using agricultural wastes not only decreases the cost but also solves an environmental problem [23]. Wheat bran is an abundant byproduct formed during wheat flour preparation; it has been selected to perform the present study for its high yield of laccase.