With the operating room lights off, we examined the lesion and outlined the FVL, measured its size, and recorded data on the surgical tracking Volasertib sheet. Moreover, we used vital staining with iodine and considered in comparison between FVL and IU, and we resected according to the wider boundary of the outline. As a result, the entire area by FVL showed various types of epithelial dysplasia (Fig. 10). There were no normal epithelium cells in any of the FVL regions. Furthermore, the ratio of various types of dysplasia is almost equal between FVL (mild 28.6%, moderate 61.9%, severe
9.5%) and IU (mild 35.3%, moderate 58.8%, severe 5.9%). However, one case of carcinoma of tongue (T1N0M0) showed local recurrence after
surgery guided FV and underwent more surgery. In delineating ratio of FVL and IU into thirty one early OSCC cases, twenty seven cases of FVL (87.1%) were same as or a little higher than IU (71.0%) (Table 2). We considered that determining the surgical margin based on results of FV would not lead to over surgery, and could help prevent SPTs. To elucidate malignant potentiality in FV area, some cases of early OSCC were examined in this study. These materials were obtained from the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Tokyo Dental College. Surgical margin were determined at about 5 mm outside RG7204 mw the area of FVL. A superficial incision was made with a surgical blade along the boundary line of FVL to mark the clinical borderline within the mucosa. We examined expression of Ki-67 and p53 in the area of FVL by means of immunohistochemical methods from these samples. Although these samples are not enough, positive
cells of Ki-67 and p53 seemed to strongly express within the area of FVL with epithelial dysplasia surrounding OSCC (Figure 11 and Figure 12). On the contrary, Ki-67 and p53 were hardly seen in epithelial tissue out of margin. Therefore, we suggest that FVL has malignant potentiality and FV guided surgical margin might not only be adequate but also to be able to help prevent SPTs genetically. Various types of dysplasia surrounding OSCC looks like a normal oral mucosa. Taking margins Doxacurium chloride that are too large cause severe cosmetic and functional morbidity and margins that are too small may leave cancerous tissue behind, as evidenced by frequent positive surgical margins and high locoregional recurrence. The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines) allows many systemic therapy options for patients with oral cavity cancer in 2012 [20]. NCCN guideline suggested that a margin of at least 5 mm of histologically normal epithelium in the surgical specimen is traditionally regarded as the standard in the treatment of OSCC. Conversely, some reported that such an approach still fails to completely remove the field alterations surrounding OSCC [21], [22], [23], [24], [25] and [26]. Kurita et al.