15 Currently used body fluid-based diagnostic methods exhibit low sensitivity and specificity which limits their clinical application.16 After the discovery of circulating miRNAs, the potential buy Docetaxel application as powerful
biomarkers for disease diagnostics, monitoring therapeutic effect and predicting recurrence in many diseases including cancers are promising.17 Circulatory miRNA biomarkers are more attractive diagnostic tools because they are remarkably stable in body fluid against endogenous RNase activity, easily accessible to the body fluids and easily detectable in plasma, serum, saliva, sputum,18 and urine samples.19 For example, recently Ho et al20 reported statistically significant Talazoparib mouse elevated plasma levels of miR-210 in pancreatic cancer patients compared with age matched healthy controls, using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). It may
potentially serve as a useful biomarker for pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Huang and colleagues21 found that plasma miR-29a and miR-92a are potential novel non-invasive biomarkers for early detection of colorectal carcinoma. To further explore the origins of these circulating miRNAs, Heneghan et al18 studied a panel of 7 candidate miRNAs which were quantified in tissue and blood specimens of 148 breast cancer patients and 44 age matched disease free controls. They found miR-195 significantly was over expressed in the circulation of breast cancer patients, moreover the miR-195 expression
level decreased in the post-operative period of the same patients. Cardiac-specific those miR-208a expression levels were elevated in analysis of plasma samples of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and additionally the miRNA was absent in the plasma samples of healthy people. Thus, the miR-208a is considered as a novel biomarker for early detection of myocardial injury in humans.22 Furthermore, serum miRNAs may be useful biomarkers for diagnosing several human diseases. In a previous study in serum samples of sepsis patients, miR-146a and miR-223 were used as serum biomarkers for the diagnosis of sepsis.23 Zhao et al24 reported pregnancy-associated circulating miR-323-3p which significantly increased in maternal circulation during pregnancy and is proposed as a potential biomarker for the diagnosis of pregnancy-associated complications. miR-451 has 50 fold over expression in maternal plasma of pregnant women with twins comparing with single pregnancy.25 The recent observations on endothelial miR-126 are deregulated in patients with type 2 diabetes (DM), which could be used as a biomarker for early detection of vascular complications of diabetes,26 and as a realizable RNA-based therapeutic agent for diabetes-induced atherosclerosis.27 After exposure of ionizing radiation both in vitro and in vivo models, the miR-34a expression level has found to be elevated.