Different companies in China use different
kits and reference standards. Dosage units for finished products are not comparable between various vaccines because each producer uses its own ELISA unit. To standardize assays for antigen content determination and intended dosage for clinical use, national standards for EV71 vaccine antigen content analysis should be established. A batch of EV71 antigen Romidepsin reference standard was developed meeting the requirements of the WHO and Chinese Pharmacopoeia regarding the preparation of national standards and the calibration of biological products. For the representativity of EV71 antigen reference standard, we had compared antigenicity of EV71 antigen standard with EV71 bulks from three manufacturers. The results demonstrated that AZD8055 cost EV71 antigen reference standard has the good parallelism and linearity for different antigens mentioned above ( Supplementary Table 4). Also, we performed recovery assay on five EV71 bulks and three final vaccine products from different companies using the standard in EL-4 kits. The recovery rates were 76–118% and 86–106% in bulks and final vaccines, respectively. The results indicated that the reference standard could be satisfactorily applied to the analyses of
different antigens. To prepare EV71 antigen reference standard with good stability, we used lyophilized technique in this standard and compared the lyophilisation’s effect on the immunogenicity and antigenicity of EV71 standard. The EV71 antigen content before and after lyophilization (1441.4 KU/ml, 1396.0 KU/ml) was basically consistent and positive conversion rate (>1:8) of NTAb was all 90% in mice immunized by EV71 standard before
and after lyophilization. This showed that the antigenicity and the immunogenicity of lyophilized EV71 standard were not changed. It can be used to accurately measure antigen content in EV71 inactivated vaccines. Based on results of a collaborative calibration project, the antigen content in the national antigen standard was determined to be 1600 U/ml (EV71 antigen units). For applicability of standard, the standard was distributed to L-NAME HCl five separate labs. Results showed that antigens could be accurately measured within the linear range of kits from all five companies. Microplate cytopathic effect assay is a common means of EV71–NTAb detection. As a result of Yu et al. using neonatal maternal mouse antibody and EV71–NTAb to passively immunize baby mice, the protective effects of EV71–NTAb against virus were verified [17], [19] and [24]. Ever since, EV71–NTAb has been widely used in EV71 vaccine development as an indicator of immunogenicity [19], [22] and [25].