The recent development to produce influenza vaccines in
mammalian cell culture has removed the full dependence on eggs but limitations remain: the yields are rather low and viruses still need to be processed in a similar time-consuming manner as for the egg-grown vaccines [4]. Advances in molecular biology and recombinant technologies have opened avenues for the design and development of new influenza vaccines which attempt to address these limitations. These technologies include subunit vaccines based on recombinant baculovirus expressed GSK1120212 supplier hemagglutinin (HA) in insect cells [5] and [6]; bacterially produced globular HA domain fused to flagellin [7] and [8]; nucleic acid based vaccines [9] and [10]; virosomes (liposomes containing influenza surface antigens) [11] Afatinib price and recombinant virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in plant- or insect cells [12] and [13]. Meanwhile; with several VLP-based blockbuster vaccines against human papillomavirus and hepatitis on the market; the VLP technology has proven its great benefits [14] and [15]. The success of these novel technologies is also highlighted by the efforts underway to bring VLP-based influenza vaccines to the market; currently at different
stages of clinical development [13] and [16]. While these approaches hold great promise toward a more rapidly scalable influenza vaccine; most crotamiton are still reliant on production in eukaryotic cells and cannot approach the yields obtained for recombinant prokaryotic expression systems. Here we describe the testing of a novel VLP-based influenza vaccine, gH1-Qbeta, produced in Escherichia coli. The platform used from Cytos (Schlieren, Switzerland) is based on RNA bacteriophage Qbeta (Leviviridae) VLPs and has been shown to be capable of inducing strong antibody responses in clinical trials for therapeutic vaccines [17]. More than 700 subjects have previously been treated with this VLP at doses up to 900 μg. Qbeta coupled to nicotine, angiotensin II or interleukin 1β was used as therapeutic vaccine against
nicotine dependence, high ambulatory blood pressure or diabetes, respectively, and displayed good safety and tolerability [17], [18], [19] and [20]. Each VLP consists of 180 copies of the Qbeta coat protein. These VLPs are highly stable, non-infectious and cannot replicate. Importantly, since humans are not naturally infected by Qbeta, they do not have pre-existing immunity to the VLP. The gH1-Qbeta vaccine tested here consists of the globular head domain (gH1) of hemagglutinin (HA) from the pandemic A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) influenza strain, expressed in E. coli, chemically linked to Qbeta VLPs. The resulting conjugated vaccine displays gH1 in a highly ordered and repetitive fashion on the surface of Qbeta VLPs. Single strand RNA (from the recombinant E.