The slides were examined blindly and three sections per specimen

The slides were examined blindly and three sections per specimen were interpreted. Computerized image analysis system with Pixelink color camera () and light microscope (Leica DM RXA2, ) were used for the qualitative measurement. Microscopic images were then VX-689 supplier obtained by using video T-Morphology 5.1 software (VT, ). As per previous protocol, the sections

were examined by using modified scoring system was adopted from Allen et al. (1980), which is a seven-point scoring system was used to assess the fracture healing.24 Grading was done as follows: -Grade ‘0’ non union (fibrous tissues), ‘1’ incomplete cartilage union (cartilage with some fibrous Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical tissues), ‘2’ complete cartilage union (entirely cartilage), ‘3’ incomplete bony union with early ossification

phase (predominantly cartilage Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with some trabecular bone), ‘4’ incomplete bony union with intermediate ossification phase (equal amounts of cartilage and trabecular bone), ‘5’ incomplete bony union with late ossification phase predominantly trabecular bone with some cartilage), ‘6’ complete bony union (entirely bone) (table1).24 All the slides were subjected to blind study by two independent pathologists who were unaware of the treatment. Table1 Allen’s fracture healing scoring system Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 17). Normality of distribution of all variables was examined by Shapiro-Wilk test. Since seven-point scoring system was used to analyze the results, all results were ordinal data and were considered as non parametric.

Non parametric data were analyzed by using Kruskal Wallis followed by Mann Whitney U test. Data were presented as median values with the range (minimum-maximum Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical values) in parentheses. Level of significance was considered at P>0.05. Results Following fracture of the femora, all the rats were observed daily. They started movement 24 hours post-fracture. Weight bearing on the fractured leg started 10 days post fracture. Following six Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical weeks of treatment after the right femora fracture, H&E stained sections of the fractured femora were subjected to seven-point scoring system using modified Allen’s grading. The median fracture healing score was higher in the P.s group compared Sclareol to the OVXC group (P=0.019). On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the median fracture healing scores for the SO, ERT and P.s groups (P=0.078) (table 2). Table 2 Fracture callus scores (n=6) based on Allen’s fracture healing scoring system of sham-operated (SO) and ovariectomized rats (OVAX), and rats receiving estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) or water extract of Piper sarmentosum (P.s) Fracture callus sections stained with H&E showed that fracture healing in the SO and the P.s groups were identical suggesting improvement in osteoporotic fracture healing (figure 2).

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