59 During fear extinction, a process that also involves ventromed

59 During fear extinction, a process that also involves ventromedial PFC activation, patients with PTSD, schizophrenia and OCD all similarly failed to activate the ventromedial

PFC.76-78 Summary and integration Despite a bias in the study of ER towards affective disorders and the relatively early stage of this literature, the available neuroimaging evidence suggests abnormalities in both explicit and implicit ER that cross traditional diagnostic boundaries. It may be, however, that the cause of these abnormalities differ across disorder, with a primary deficit in EF and disruption of normal pathways for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical selleck inhibitor emotion processing accounting for ER abnormalities in schizophrenia, and more subtle EF deficits Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical together with heightened emotional capture in affective disorders accounting for ER abnormalities in those conditions. Towards future

interventions targeting EF and ER dysfunction Available evidence suggests that EF and ER abnormalities persist during euthymic states, are seen during periods Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of lower expression of psychotic symptoms, and are not normalized, even when symptoms have remitted with treatment. As such, EF and ER represent a broad domain of dysfunction in psychiatric illness that is unaddressed by current treatments. This pressing clinical and scientific need has motivated efforts to identify potential novel cognitive enhancers in schizophrenia, including Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS), Treatment Units for Research on Neurocognition Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and Schizophrenia (TURNS), and other related approaches. What is notable about MATRICS is that it was conceived as a process that would also involve changing expectations at the FDA to allow as a primary indication the improvement in cognition,

even in the absence of effects on other symptoms of the disorder. Potential compounds emerging from this and related work target glutamatergic transmission, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and selective dopaminergic agents. Another emerging trend involves brain training approaches. Having already identified the neural circuits important for EF and ER, as well as demonstrated abnormalities in these circuits across else multiple psychiatric disorders, it may be possible to strengthen the functioning of these neural circuits by repeatedly doing adaptive versions of the tasks that normally engage them. In other words, deficits in working memory may be ameliorated through a challenging course of working memory training. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that this once-controversial proposition may be possible, at least in certain contexts. Moreover, adult brains, even those dysfunctional because of mental illness, still retain a surprising degree of plasticity.

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