Uhesc participants exhibited better memory performance at follow-

Uhesc participants exhibited better memory performance at follow-up than they had prior to the start of their training. However, those subjects who exhibited the best memory performance at

baseline benefited most from, the memory training.239 This suggests that alternative interventions may need to be considered for elderly adults who maybe particularly vulnerable to memory decline with age and who thus do not benefit as effectively from such mnemonic training. For example, one novel approach to cognitive impairment in older adults has been the attempt to combine pharmacological and memory training. Israel et al240 conducted a double-blind Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical randomized trial of a total of 135 older adults with AAMI. Two intervention Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical methods, piracetam and memory training, were assessed in combination. Une combination of piracetam and memory training resulted in significantly better performance on measures of immediate and global recall than observed with memory training combined with placebo. Additionally, the combined pharmacological and training approach appeared to be most effective Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in patients whose baseline performance on memory tests was lowest. Stress reduction

learn more increases in stressful events accompany increased age,106,241 and several investigators have suggested that life stressors contribute to ARCD. A recent investigation of this relationship found that cognitive decline with age appeared to occur regardless of stressful life events, with the exception of the death of a spouse or child, which was found to be associated with greater cognitive decline.241 However, Crcasey ct al242 observed that, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical prisoners of war appeared to have a significantly greater percentage of cognitive disorders. Most recently,

investigators have suggested that a history of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be a risk factor for the development of AD.235,243 Although findings from these studies are suggestive, there are methodological weaknesses relating to lack of appropriate control subjects and variation in the measures Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical employed. In addition, none of the above studies included measures of Cortisol response or other measures Dipeptidyl peptidase of HPA activity. The literature suggests that stress may have an interactive effect with HPA changes with age, resulting in the acceleration of hippocampal atrophy, memory decline, and/or the development of AD.105,106,244 Many investigations have observed increased levels of glucocorticoids in aging animals and humans.106 The observation in animals that prolonged exposure to high plasma Cortisol levels causes irreversible hippocampal damage led to speculations that increased levels of corticosteroids are neurotoxic and that long-term hypercortisolemia may accelerate cognitive decline and the dementia process.103,110 Longitudinal studies indicate that, while some older adults exhibit, decreases in Cortisol levels over time, the greater majority exhibit, increases in Cortisol over time.

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