Drug injection with sonication increased the tumour-to-normal bra

Drug injection with sonication increased the tumour-to-normal brain doxorubicin ratio of the target tumours by about twofold compared with the control tumours. Moreover, the tumour-to-normal brain ratio was the highest after the injection of AP-1 Lipo-Dox

with sonication. The results of this study indicate that combining targeting strategies can substantially enhance delivery of chemotherapy in the brain [76]. In a separate study the authors investigated the pharmacokinetics Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of 111I-labeled AP1-Lipo-dox using microSPECT. The authors confirmed that sonication increased liposomal doxorubicin concentrations in tumour areas (murine glioblastoma) and that molecular targeting acts synergistically with FUS [77]. Targeted Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical gene transfer into central nervous system was investigated using MRI-guided focused ultrasound-induced blood-brain barrier disruption. The results

of this study showed that MRI-guided FUS achieved plasmid DNA transfer across the opened BBB furthermore plasmid ware internalized into the neurons presenting heterogeneous distribution and numerous transparent vesicles were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical observed in the cytoplasm of the neurons in the sonicated region, suggesting vesicle-mediated endocytosis. BDNF (and BDNF-EGFP) expressions were markedly enhanced by the combination of ultrasound and pBDNF-EGFP-loaded microbubbles about 20-fold than that of the control group. The method by using MRI-guided FUS to induce the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical local BBB disruption could accomplish effective targeted

exogenous gene transfer in the CNS. In this study the microbubbles were used as the plasmid carrier. The investigators conjugated plasmid onto the surface of microbubbles and they coated these carriers using polymers in a layer by layer technique Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical [78]. An exciting application is the delivery of therapeutic stem cells to the brain using FUS to potentially treat neurodegenerative diseases, AZD8931 mw traumatic brain injury, and stroke. MRI guidance was used to target the ultrasound beam thereby delivering Adenylyl cyclase iron-labeled, green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressing neural stem cells specifically to the striatum and the hippocampus of the rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the presence of GFP-positive cells in the targeted brain regions suggesting that MRIgFUS may be an effective alternative to invasive intracranial surgery for stem cell transplantation [79]. Although a very efficient approach, the use of microbubbles to enhance drug permeation through tissues, it may require significant safety consideration. In a key study in 2005 Prentice et al. presented clearly in a well-designed experimental setup that there are important interactions between individual cells and violently cavitating microbubbles leading to large pores in the cell membrane (sonoporation) [80].

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