Means were calculated for continuous variables and frequencies we

Means were calculated for continuous variables and frequencies were calculated for categorical variables overall and by country. All personal data collected during the study were treated confidentially. The study sponsor had no role in the data collection or analysis. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was not sought in this study as this constituted market research. Results Sociodemographic profile A total of 61 psychiatrists from six countries completed the survey [USA (n = 15), Germany (n = 10), France (n = 12), Spain (n = 10), Hong Kong (n = 6) and Australia (n = 8)]. Gender and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical working environment distributions were

similar between countries. Overall, the sample was 64% male and 36% female. More than 80% of the participants reported working in an urban environment. Hong Kong was an exception, with all male participants Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical working in an urban environment. The Metabolism inhibitor average psychiatrist in the sample had 18 years of clinical practice experience. This number was slightly lower in Hong Kong, with an average of 12.5 years of clinical experience. The distribution of public and private workers Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical differed among countries. In the USA, most participants

worked in private organizations, while in Hong Kong all participants worked privately. In France, Germany and Australia, the majority of participants worked in the public sector. In Spain, all participants worked in the public sector (Table 1). Table 1. Summary of the demographic and professional background of the selected psychiatrists. Patients’ profile On average, participants saw approximately 67 MDD patients per month. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The highest mean number of MDD patients seen was in the USA (n = 102) and Germany (n = 96). Australia saw the lowest mean number of MDD patients (n = 34) (Table 2). The majority of participants reported regularly assessing cognitive dysfunction in their MDD patients. Those who reported not assessing cognition in MDD (7%) reported

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that this was not a relevant aspect of the disease. Table 2. Patients’ profile covered by the survey. When participants estimated the level of cognitive dysfunction in their MDD patients, US psychiatrists reported that roughly 45% of their MDD patients were cognitively impaired; among these, 6% were reported to be severely cognitively impaired. In Australia, 51% of patients were judged to have no cognitive impairment. Psychiatrists in all other countries estimated ≥50% of their MDD patients had cognitive from dysfunction. In Hong Kong, psychiatrists estimated 100% of MDD patients were cognitively impaired and 29% of these were severely impaired (Table 2). Assessment of cognitive dysfunction for patients with MDD In assessing cognitive dysfunction, most psychiatrists (61%) relied solely on the patient history interview. The remainder reported using cognitive instruments or a combination of cognitive instruments and patient history interview for cognitive evaluation.

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