The exclusion criteria were patients in whom age or weight were n

The exclusion criteria were patients in whom age or weight were not performed, not documented, or not clearly documented. Patients older than 5years on admission were also excluded from the study. Clinical records were reviewed retrospectively on patients who met the inclusion criteria. The research study was granted approval by The Eric

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Williams Medical Sciences Complex Ethics Committee. Data collection included details of age at last birthday and weight. The Seca infant scale or Detecto standing scale was used by the triage nurse to measure weights. For uncooperative Azacitidine children, a subtraction method was used. The child’s weight was the difference between the combined weight of the parent and child and the weight of the parent alone. Both scales were calibrated with the assistance of the Bureau of Standards prior to the start of the study. All staff members measuring weights were observed by the author to ensure that the procedure of weight estimation was uniform Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and the use Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the scales was accurate. The measured weights were later compared to their estimated weights as calculated using the APLS formula, the Luscombe and Owens formula and a “best fit” formula derived (then simplified) from linear regression analysis of the measured weights in this

sample. Discussions with expert colleagues in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine, were held to determine the percentage divergence that would be clinically significant between estimated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and calculated weight. It was decided that a 10% divergence would

produce clinically significant differences in patient management, particularly with regard to the potential toxicity of intravenous infusions of drugs with a low therapeutic index such as aminophylline, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical digoxin and dopamine. Accuracy of weight estimation methods was compared using three different methods: bias (mean differences between methods compared) and precision (95% limits of agreement) were measured using the Bland-Altman method; in addition, the mean percentage differences between each estimated weight (APLS, Luscome and Ownes and the derived formula) and actual measured weights were compared. Finally, the proportions of patients whose estimated weights Parvulin fell within 10% of the measured weight for each formula was calculated. Sample size was estimated using power-based sample size calculations. To detect a 10% difference (δ) between the calculated APLS formula, the Luscombe and Owens formula and the measured weight, when the level of significance (α) is<0.05 and the power of the study is 80%, a sample size of 252 patients per year of age was needed (See Additional file 1). The accuracy and precision of each method of weight calculation was estimated using Bland-Altman analysis.

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