Table 1. Values of ultimate tensile strength and maximum Bicalutamide structure strain for films with 0 to 23 wt% of bioactive glass. Statistical analysis of the results show that there is no significant difference between maximum stress values for films with 0�C17% glass, but there is difference between these compositions and the films with 23% glass. For the maximum strain, although differences were observed in the average values for different compositions, there were no statistically significant differences. Therefore, we can say that values of maximum stress proved to be lower for the film containing 23% of glass, as compared with those with 0�C17% of glass, suggesting better mechanical properties for films with 0�C17% glass.
Analysis of bioactivity The hybrid synthesis conditions result in acid byproducts; however, the polymer content is sensitive to high temperatures, which restrains the elimination of toxic products by heat treatment. When in contact with the culture medium, hybrid dissolution products can modify the pH of the medium and cell growth, promoting lower cell viability. If this should occur, it will require a neutralization step to reduce the acidity of the samples and make them more biocompatible. Therefore, the pH of the SBF solution was measured at 37��C. It could be noted that, before the samples were immersed in SBF, the solution initially prepared at pH = 7.40 showed pH = 7.48. As such, no significant change in the pH of the SBF after different immersion times could be observed. Figure 5 shows the FTIR spectra for films with 0�C23% glass content after 1 d of immersion in SBF.
A peak displacement could be observed between 1,024 cm-1 and 1,002 cm-1. This effect occurs in direct proportion to the increase in the glass percentage within the film, which corresponds to the appearance of the P-O stretching vibration. The peak at 875 cm-1 corresponds to the C-O bending-vibration of CO3-2 incorporated into the films and can be observed only in the film with 23% glass, along with peaks at 560 and 600 cm-1 associated with the P-O bending-vibration. These peaks were not identified after 3 d of immersion in films with 9% and 17% of glass contents. However, the spectra for films after 7 d of immersion (Fig. 6) indicate that films with 9 and 17% exhibit the same peaks at 1,002 cm-1, 875 cm-1, 560 and 600 cm-1. Figure 5.
FTIR spectra of films with: (A) 23%, (B) 17%, (C) 9%, (D) 0% of bioactive glass after 1 d of immersion in SBF. Figure 6. FTIR spectra of films with: (A) 23%; (B) 17%; (C) 9%; (D) 0% of bioactive glass after 7 d of immersion in SBF. Figure 7 shows the Anacetrapib FTIR spectra for the film with 23% bioactive glass before and after different periods of immersion. A peak displacement could be observed between 1,063 cm-1 and 1,002 cm-1, throughout the immersion time, as could the appearance of bands at 560 cm-1 and 600 cm-1 and the peak at 875 cm-1 after 1 d of immersion.